Tuesday, December 23, 2008

still more snow! And a new tree star!

So, I had to get a new tree star. The one I got 10 days ago died and had to be replaced today. I like the new one! So, there's my tree.
And this is the snowperson Pat and the kids built today! The cucumber eyes were my idea, my neighbor Nevaeh helped make the snowman and she made the hat out of ice! She's only 6!
We're definitely having a white Christmas! And every Who in Vancouver likes Christmas allot!


Tobi said...

I love your Christmas star and your snowman. I love your cucumber snowman! I can't believe how much snow you guys have. Sometimes it's just not fair that Texas doesn't get snow!!

Mammallama said...

Merry Christmas we all love you all.
of course the puter is not working on the internet right now.
Holy Snow Batman!!