Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Once more into the forge

So, last wednesday, I boldly jumped back into the workforce. I now work at petsmart making more than minimum wage, which is no small feat when you consider my lack of experience and the craptacular economy.
I'm not sure of my title at petsmart, I was hired on as a pet care specialist, but I think they decided that my mad cashiering skillz couldn't be ignored, because all I've done is be a cashier. But that's okay, I like being a cashier better than having to clean up various forms of animal poop anyway.
I like working there, I get to see all the cute puppies that come into the store, and everyone there is really nice to me. I'm just excited that I'll have extra money for christmas this year! Guitar hero 5, you will be mine! HA!


Tobi said...

I didn't even know there is going to be a Guitar Hero 5. I like your new background. It's so ORGANIC!

bdmom said...

Phoenix and Kale think you are the coolest person on the planet now that you work at their favorite store. Go you!

Mammallama said...

Go pet momma go!